
Located in North America, Canada is a vast and diverse country known for its stunning natural beauty and multicultural society. With its expansive landscapes, including the majestic Rocky Mountains, vast forests, and pristine lakes. Canada offers a haven for outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers. Its welcoming and inclusive approach to multiculturalism has fostered a rich tapestry of traditions, languages, and ethnicities, making it a vibrant and harmonious society.


Its commitment to education, healthcare, and social welfare ensures a high standard of living for its population. Canada’s passion for ice hockey and its reputation as a friendly and picturesque destination further contributes to its global appeal.

In addition, Studying in Canada offers high-quality education, a multicultural environment, post-graduation work opportunities, safety, and access to stunning natural landscapes for a fulfilling student experience.

Overall, studying in Canada provides a rewarding experience, combining quality education, cultural diversity, and a unique way of life.

Cost of study & Living in Canada

Rent for a one-bedroom apartment in major cities like Toronto and Vancouver ranges from $1,800 to $2,500 per month.

Monthly food expenses for a single person can be around $200 to $400.

Public transit costs approximately $100 to $150 per month.

Canada’s public healthcare system covers essential services, but additional costs may arise for prescription medications and dental care.

International students can expect tuition fees of $15,000 to $45,000 per year.

Overall, while the cost of living can be high, Canada's quality of life and opportunities make it an attractive place to live and study.

Degrees in Canada

Diploma programs offer practical and hands-on training in specific fields, such as business, healthcare, technology, hospitality, and more.

These programs focus on preparing students for the job market and equipping them with specialized skills and knowledge.


Completion of secondary education (high school diploma or equivalent). Depending on the university or college, additional prerequisites like specific courses or minimum grades may be required. Some programs may have additional prerequisites, such as specific high school courses or minimum grade requirements.


The duration of diploma programs is from two to three years.

Requirements: Completion of secondary education (high school diploma or equivalent). Depending on the university or college, additional prerequisites like specific courses or minimum grades may be required.

Duration: Typically four years of full-time study.

Requirements: A completed bachelor’s degree or equivalent from a recognized institution. Some programs may require a minimum GPA or relevant work experience; also, GMAT/GRE is required for most Programs

Duration: Usually two years for a full-time program.

Requirements: A completed master’s degree or equivalent. Strong academic background, research proposal, and letters of recommendation are often required.

Duration: Typically three to five years of full-time study, including research and thesis work.

Requirements: Vary based on the program but generally require a bachelor’s degree or relevant experience.

Duration: Usually one year or two, depending on the program.

Requirements: international students must have 4 year’s bachelor degree Pre-Med (e.g. Biology, Biotechnology, etc.) and must pass the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT), followed by 4 years general medicine.


International students must have 4 years bachelor’s degree in Pre-Law (e.g. Business administration, Political Science.) and must pass the Law College Admission Test (LCAT), Followed by 3 years in Law.

Top universities in Canada

Top Colleges in Canada